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Food is what we are about at Blacon Beacon!


We believe that having a good, healthy diet is important not only for our physical health, but also for our mental health and well-being.  Therefore, we want to make sure everyone in Blacon has access to affordable, fresh, good quality food.  Sometimes, if we're on a tight budget, it can be hard to afford what's on the shelves of the local supermarkets.  So, we provide food for our members at an affordable and greatly discounted price. 


How can we afford this? 


Some of the food has been donated to us, and some we have bought using the membership fees received. Because we are a charity, our overheads are not the same as a business, so we're able to keep prices down that way too.


Members with a family membership receive approximately £25 worth of food (average retail price) per week, for a subscription of £5 per week. Single members will pay £3 per week and receive approximately £15 worth of food. 


To find out more about becoming a member click here


Other things we do with food


We give out 100 Slow Cooker bags to Blacon residents each month-these contain ingredients and the recipe.  We have some spaces left so please contact us if you would like to join in.

We cook healthy meals most Fridays during the School holidays for children and their families.


We run two cooking clubs- one for adults called Chat, Chop and Chew and one for families. 

Sign up to our newsletter for news and also follow us on Facebook and Twitter for updates! Feel free to email if you would like more details about any of the above.




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